Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What's the worst that can happen?

"Only thing we have to fear, is fear itself" - FDR

       In my opinion, fear is the biggest contributor to our failures and lack of success.  Often, we don't even try something or take chances because we are afraid we won't succeed. I spent many years in fear; afraid I could not pay our mortgage, keep our power on, buy groceries for my family.  The emotions felt with fear run deep....right down to your core.  Many of us even obsess over our fears.  Based on the Law of Attraction what you think about with deep emotion you attract to you.  You have to turn your back to fear.  You have to place your thoughts on what you WANT and NOT on what you DON'T want!  How do you do this?  Everyone has to find a way that works for them.  You have to have a game plan to combat fear and remove negative influences from your daily life experience.
        Take time to write down and review ALL of your biggest fears.  Examine all of the fears that eat away at you on a daily basis.  Then address the worst outcome you could imagine if you had to face those fears in reality.  Ask yourself:  Can I survive if the worst of my fears?   What steps would I take if the worst of my fears came true?  Chances are the answers to these questions are "yes,  I can survive" and you can see the course of action you would have to take to get though your experience if these fears became your reality.  It may have felt awful to really examine your fears that deep, but take comfort in knowing whatever the worst outcome is you can overcome it.  Now what is really left to fear?  Throw away your fears you have just written down.  Make the conscious decision to turn your back to these fears.  If new fears approach while you are on this new life experience journey, use this same process to expel them from your thoughts.  Make this your game plan.
        The next course of action is to remove fear from your experience is to rid your daily life of as many fear producers as possible.  Take a look at what puts fearful thoughts in your in your mind and omit these things from your daily life experience.  For example, we have had a NO LOCAL NEWS ALLOWED ON YOUR TV rule in my house for a few years now.  There is nothing good that can come out watching the majority of the news stories on my local news broadcast.  I don't feel guilty or self-centered for not allowing myself to be influenced by such stories.  You cannot personally change the news stories they share on the local news.  The best help and influence you can be to the world is working hard every day to become the best YOU that YOU can be.
          Recently, I had a friend move with her family to Orlando, FL when her husband's job was transferred there.  After getting her family settled into their new home and the kids started back to school she took a job at where else, but a Walt Disney World Resort.  During her new employee training she was told the main purpose of her job was to make everyone she came in contact with happier.  If everyone would set aside their fears and make it their job to make everyone they came in contact with happier, then what an amazing world it would be to live in.  We cannot force others to live their lives this way, but we can live our life with this idea in mind and hope to be an influence.


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