Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Expelling Your Past Belief About Money and Success

**Note:  Be sure to read True Happiness and Re-invention before reading this post.

  Many of us have been told since we were young that “you have to work hard for things” or heard phrases like “filthy rich” or “money can't buy happiness.” How do sayings like that make you feel about wealth or success? I have a different option about wealth, success and happiness.  I believe we are all meant to live our lives to its fullest potential and having wealth or success is not a bad thing. I believe it is not money people really want, but FREEDOM.  Picture the freedom you will have in your life when money is in abundance.  Freedom is being able to act in a moments notice to do anything you chose.  Want to take your family of five out to lunch and to a Sunday movie?  Want to lay on the beach in Mexico with your husband for your anniversary?  I DO!  There should be no shame in this!  DO NOT BE ASHAMED TO HAVE OR WANT WEALTH!  The universe is abundant.....act as though.  Take comfort in knowing that.  Look past the life you are living now and imagine the life you wish to live.  I tell my children this all the time to think about the life they want to have when they grow up....then to think about what needs to be done in order to have that life and do it now.  Make that life (or better) your reality.  
        Make a list of every negative thing you have ever heard about money, wealth or success.  Actually, go one step beyond that and add every negative thought you have about yourself and why you can't achieve wealth or success.  Look at that list....take it in....breath it in, then breath it out.  Let it go.  I guarantee that if you look at every thought on that list you can think of an exception to it.  Clear your mind of these negative views and feelings and know the exception to them.  Now, throw the list away!  When (or if) these thoughts try to sneak back into your head, know that you have made a commitment to let them go.  I stop and close my eyes and think of the thing that makes me feel the most happiness.  For me, this is my husband.  For you it could be a person you adore (and adores you), a moment you remember feeling the most happy, or a dream for you future that makes you smile.  Really take a moment to feel that happiness you have with that thought.  Sometimes my eyes even well up with tears.   Use its power and move on.

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